--photo courtesy Stephen Mule'

City Council Minutes Report: March 8, 2022

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

Finance committee

A-24: An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a revenue sharing agreement with the Cuyahoga Falls Library for tax revenue sharing on funds generated by the condos being developed on South Front St.

Diana Colavecchio reminded council that when the TIF for this project was approved, the agreement stated schools would not be take any financial hit over the course of the 30-year agreement. Councilman Tim Gorbach also requested that the Cuyahoga Falls Library be included in the same type agreement as was done for the schools. This legislation will make that happen and realize approximately $185,00 for the library over the 30-year term of the TIF. According to Colavecchio this has never been done before, and after being approved overwhelmingly by the library board it was voted to be brought to a vote before council as a whole next Monday.

A-25: An ordinance authorizing the city to enter into a lease agreement with Legacy 2020 LLC for parking spaces in the Red Deck at 2052 Front St. This is part of the project to convert the office building at 2020 Front St. into 46 apartments with first-floor retail space that was brought before city council a few weeks ago. Part of this agreement was needed in place prior to the developer closing on the property, in compliance with the city’s general development code requiring that apartment buildings have one and a half parking spaces per unit.

This legislation would set aside 50 reserved spaces on the second floor of the Red parking deck near the walkway between the building and parking deck. There will be 34 apartment units in the first phase of the project with construction expected to begin at the end of March. The long-term plan will include a total of 50 apartments and a retail center on the first floor. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before council as a whole next Monday.

Public Affairs

A-26: A resolution declaring the month of March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in the City of Cuyahoga Falls and recognizing March 7 as Inclusion Day. Mayor Walters stated that for Inclusion Day and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month he feels very proud to have Summit County Developmental Disability Services in our community and is looking forward to the ribbon-cutting ceremony sometime in May of this year. During the discussion James Armstrong from Summit County Developmental Disability Services passed along a thank you from not only himself but their entire board for this resolution and for welcoming them to our city. Other comments came from Tallmadge Rd. resident Kenneth King who also supports this resolution and expressed his support for Inclusion Day by wearing orange in solidarity. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before council as a whole next Monday.
