Sycamore Valley Golf Course Site Rezoning Opposed by Residents

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls residents largely opposed the rezoning of the site of the former Sycamore Valley Golf Course at 1651 Akron Peninsula Road from an E-1 Employment District to R-3 Sub-Urban Density Residential during a public hearing on February 19th. If the zoning amendment is approved, developer Danny Karam will purchase the land to develop a condominium property.

Karam himself spoke in favor of the zoning amendment, which proponents argue would benefit the city more than a business project that would not require rezoning, though no such project is currently planned should the amendment fail when council votes next week.

Opponents of rezoning the site wish to maintain the area as a green space, particularly given its proximity to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and some worry about overdeveloping an area where adjacent property owners own multiple acres. Still others are concerned about flooding, and some believe the city should purchase the property and operate the golf course under the umbrella of Parks and Recreation.

Gina Burk, who spoke at the public hearing, said she believes “city council heard how important the rural nature of Northampton is to the community and residents who live and work around the Cuyahoga Valley and the National Park.” She remains concerned, however, that “this development would clear cut critical green infrastructure of the watershed of the Cuyahoga River & Mud Brook for a dense townhouse development designed for an urban environment,” adding “we don’t want to destroy the future by building the past.”

Mr. Karam did not respond to a request for comment.
