Fallscast Episode 65: December 19, 2021

Media Podcasts

Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the Skypes, the Fallscasters were restless, pondering the puns to make just in spite. The news wasn’t heavy, but no fret they were there, with a few headlines worthy, and an interview for which to care.

*The CFHS Fresh Farm partners with the Workz.

*Russell Chaboudy hired as Cuyahoga Falls City School District interim interim superintendent for January 1-July 31.

*Cuyahoga Falls and Stow partner to collect toys for the victims of the Mayfield, KY tornado.

*Closet of Caring’s local toy drive for children.

*Alex interviews Jesse Keller, owner of Iron Ink Tattoo (23:00)

Let us know your favorite holiday movies and your response could be included in a special edition of “The 12 Films of Christmas” this year. Fill out this form or email us at fallsfreepress@gmail.com.

Thank you for listening. We are always in the market for article submissions and suggestions for podcast interviews. Drop us a line at fallsfreepress@gmail.com. If you enjoyed the show, be sure to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts to let others know to listen.
