—photo courtesy Stephen Mule’

City Council Minutes Report: September 16, 2024

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

Finance & Appropriations:

Temp. Res. A-76: A resolution accepting the amounts and rates of taxation as certified by the Summit County budget commission, authorizing the necessary tax levies, certifying such authorization to the county fiscal officer. Finance Director Bryan Hoffman explained this is a yearly resolution by charter that allows them to access property taxes. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday, September 23.

A-77: A resolution approving the petition for special assessments for a special energy improvement project under Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1710 and approving the necessity of acquiring, installing, equipping, and improving certain public improvements in the City of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio in cooperation with the Akron-Summit County Energy Special Improvement District. This resolution was presented in part by Law Director Janet Ciotola and Jason Butterworth acting as council for the developer. As this property falls within the special improvement district it is eligible to take advantage of a plan passed by Cuyahoga Falls Council in 2019 when it voted this area of the city into the special improvement district. By using the available Property Assessed Clean Energy program available to this area of the city for significant building upgrades the program finances energy efficient HVAC systems, lighting and other energy efficient upgrades made to older buildings. PACE allows the property owner to repay the energy efficiency improvements through a special assessment placed on the property. In this case the payments will happen twice a year over a 10-year period. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday, September 23.

Public & Industrial Improvements:

A-78: An ordinance authorizing the Parks and Recreation Board to enter into a contract or contracts for the installation of two (2) prefabricated ADA compliant restrooms for Indian Mountain and Kennedy Parks. Park Director Sara Kline staged this ordinance sets aside funding for the installation of the 2 ADA compliant restrooms purchased last year for both parks. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday.

Public Affairs:

A-79: An ordinance amending the Traffic Control File. Presented by City Engineer Tony Demasi, the following changes will be made to the Traffic Control File, the first one removing the 30-minute limited parking for commercial loading/unloading on Front Street at Portage cutaway as the cutaway no longer exists. The second change was to include signage designating the right westbound lane on W. Portage Trail at Cedar Hill Road as a right turn only and the left lane as straight only. Other changes related to the completed construction on W. Portage Trail also include amending the Traffic Control File by creating a center dual left turn lane on W. Portage Trail from Albertson Parkway to State Road and amending the Traffic Control File by adding signage designating the left eastbound lane on W. Portage Trail at Albertson Parkway as a left-only lane and the right lane as a straight-only lane. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday, September 23.

Community Development:

A-70: An ordinance approving a zoning map amendment for 2831 Bailey Road from R-4 urban density residential to MU-2 neighborhood center. A public hearing was held Monday night concerning this legislation with positive comments from both the administration and council concerning the zoning change. Planning Director Rod Kurtz said the legislation before council only changes the zoning, drawings and internal approval will still be required for the construction of the parking lot that will hold approximately 18 cars. A member of the public raised the question about handicap accessibility into the restaurant; the response from the owner was “with advanced notice we can use a side entrance.” There will also be at least one handicap parking spot in the proposed parking lot. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday.

A-80: An ordinance approving and authorizing the purchase of various playground equipment from Gametime. This was presented by Assistant Park Director Michael Fallis, who said this is a continuation of using CBDG funds to make our park system accessible. This ordinance will allow the park department to replace the play area in Valley Vista Park as part of rebuilding the neighborhood park with the completion of the West Portage Trail construction. Fallis also said that with the vendor giving the city a matching grant for $141k of CBDG funds being spent this purchase, it will not pull any funds from the parks and rec fund. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday, September 23.
