--photo courtesy Stephen Mule'

City Council Minutes Report: May 22, 2023

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

New Ordinances & Resolutions

B-48: An ordinance accepting the recommendation of the planning commission for the construction of two self-service storage buildings for Decorus Development, LLC, located at 262 Steels Corners Road. Assigned to the planning and zoning committee.

B-49: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, without competitive bidding, with CRS Metalworx Inc., for the maintenance and repair of HVAC systems at the electrical division and substations. Assigned to the finance committee.

B-50: An ordinance consenting to the resurfacing of State Route 59 from State Route 8 to the east corporation limit, within the city of Cuyahoga Falls, by the state of Ohio, authorizing financial cooperation thereof. Assigned to the public and industrial improvements committee.

B-51: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts for the demolition of a structure located at 357 Steels Corners Road, and removal of demolition debris, and certifying the cost thereof to the county fiscal officer for collection in the manner provided by law. Assigned to the public and industrial improvements committee.

B-52: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, with CT Consultants, Inc., for professional engineering services for the improvement to South Front Street, from Broad Boulevard to Grant Avenue. Assigned to the public and industrial improvements committee.

B-54: An ordinance approving and authorizing the mayor to execute a Community Development Block Grant agreement with Hummel Construction Company for ADA compliant renovations to the existing restroom at Quirk Cultural Center. Assigned to the community development committee.

B-55: An ordinance authorizing the execution of a first amendment to grant agreement with the Community Improvement Corporation of Cuyahoga Falls. Assigned to the community development committee.

B-56: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with OHM Advisors for the preparation of streetscape plans for the Bailey Road/Northmoreland Boulevard and South State Road business corridors. Assigned to the community development committee.

Reports of Council’s Standing Committees

Planning & Zoning:

B-35: An ordinance approving a regulatory text amendment to Section 1133.04(A)(5) to allow for the keeping of chickens in R-2, R-3 and R-4 Zoning Districts. Council voted to table this legislation 6-4 with councilmembers Brillhart, James, Penta, and Siegferth all voting against the motion. The reason that was given by Committee Chair Susan Spinner was “there were concerns and questions regarding enforcement of the restrictions outlined in the proposed text amendment approved by the planning commission that would make it difficult with council moving forward in approving it. If we are able to work with the administration to find solutions to those objections we could bring it out for a vote at a later date.”

Finance & Appropriations:

B-44: An ordinance authorizing the director of community development to enter into a contract or contracts with Scanworks, LLC for the building records imaging/scanning project. Passed 10-0.

Public & Industrial Improvements:

B-45: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for concrete pavement repairs to various streets. Passed 10-0.

B-46: (Sub. Dated 5/15/23) A resolution authorizing the mayor to apply for and accept financial assistance in the form of a grant or loan from the Ohio Public Works Commission for upgrades to the Bailey Road and State Road Booster Pump Stations. Passed 10-0.

B-53: A resolution confirming the appointment of Dr. Patrick Blakeslee as the City of Cuyahoga Falls representative to serve on the Summit County Combined General Health District Board of Health for the remainder of the unexpired term ending December 31, 2025. This legislation was discussed in a special public affairs committee held this evening. During that meeting Mayor Walters gave a brief biography of Dr. Blakeslee and gave a description of the duties the position required. With no questions the matter was voted out of committee and passed 10-0.

Community Development:

B-47: A resolution in support of the development of a Welcoming Workforce Coalition in the city of Cuyahoga Falls. Passed 10-0.

Miscellaneous Business:

Council received an update on the Summit County Emergency Communications Center by Director David O’Neil, Police Chief Jack Davis, and Deputy Chief Matt Kee. Some of the highlights of the presentation were 49 letters of intent mailed to current dispatchers working in the areas that will be served by the new system; 46 have accepted. The center itself is slated for completion July 20 and will go live October 17. A tour is scheduled in the near future for councilmembers. Chief Davis said the area chiefs and supervisors are narrowing in on standardized best practices and policies, taking the best of what all participating departments have to offer.

In other news, the mayor announced that the new recipients of their Place on Honorary Blvd are Bob and Lisa Goldstein for all of the positive things they do for our community, including being HOA President, Board of Zoning Appeals, Good Neighbors, Rotary Club, etc.

Council committees will next meet on June 5 at 6:30 at the Natatorium.
