—photo courtesy Stephen Mule’

City Council Minutes Report: July 8, 2024

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

New Ordinances & Resolutions

A-61: An ordinance authorizing the mayor or his designee to enter into a contract or contracts with Atlantic Emergency Solutions for the purchase of Hurst Tool extrication equipment used by the fire department. Assigned to the finance committee for discussion next Monday night.

A-62: A resolution authorizing the mayor to apply for and accept financial assistance in the form of a grant or loan from the Ohio Public Works Commission for the improvement of Wyoga Lake Road, from East Steels Corners Road to Seasons Road. Assigned to the public and industrial improvements committee for discussion next Monday night.

A-63: A resolution approving and adopting the Summit County Hazard Mitigation. Assigned to the public affairs committee for discussion next Monday.

A-64: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to exchange land with the Cuyahoga Falls City School District in connection with the new school campus at 13th Street and Portage Trail and accompanying right-of-way. Assigned to the public affairs committee for discussion next week.

A-65: An ordinance authorizing the mMayor to enter into a license agreement with the Preserves at Salt Creek Homeowners Association, Inc., for the purpose of permitting landscaping and constructing neighborhood recreational improvements on city-owned property. Assigned to the public affairs committee for discussion next Monday.

A-66: An ordinance amending ordinance 95-2004 to revise the Cuyahoga River Community Reinvestment Area boundaries, implementing sections 3735.65 through 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code. Assigned to the community development committee for discussion next week.

A-67: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to execute the revised Summit County Intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding for Job Creation and Retention and Tax Revenue Sharing. Assigned to the community development committee for discussion next Monday night.

A-68: A resolution accepting the recommendations of the Tax Incentive Review Council and the Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council concerning Enterprise Zone and Community Reinvestment Area Tax Exemption Agreements within the City of Cuyahoga Falls. Assigned to the community development  committee for discussion next Monday night.

Reports of Council’s Standing Committees

Finance & Appropriations:

A-58: An ordinance authorizing the director of law to enter into the settlement of a legal claim. Passed 9-1.

Public & Industrial Improvements:

A-59: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the South Front Streetscape. During comments, Public and Industrial Improvements Chair Meika Penta noted that the list of trees presented in the original list has been revised to remove the invasive species after public concerns were brought to council. Passed 9-1.

A-60: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the improvements to State Road, Seasons Road and Wyoga Lake Road at The Triangle. Passed 10-0.

Miscellaneous Business

Community Development Director Diana Colavecchio went over the Community Development quarterly report for city council.  Some of the highlights  included that so far in 2024 there has been $120,078,000 in private investment in our city that has created 319 new jobs. One of the new businesses moving into the industrial park on Cochran Road is a company named Turnouts; they will add an additional nine jobs to the city. Their primary business is providing fire safety gear. It was also reported that the bar/restaurant 7 Brew will be move into the vacant space left by Boston Chicken on Howe Road. Another positive note was added that Caring for Kids, having outgrown their current location, was able to move into a new location on Graham Road Circle, thus keeping 61 jobs in the city.

A 26th Street resident spoke before city council with concerns over the forthcoming installation of new water and electric meters in the city. Council President Pro Tem Jerry James told the resident her concerns were noted.

Council also voted to excuse the absence of Russ Balthis.
