—photo courtesy Stephen Mule’

City Council Minutes Report: July 1, 2024

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

Finance Committee:

A-58: An ordinance authorizing the director of law to enter into the settlement of a legal claim. City Council met in executive session pursuant to council rules 111.03 section e. to discuss a court action. After coming back from executive session the committee voted to bring this out for a vote before full council next Monday July 8.

Public & Industrial Improvements:

A-59: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the South Front streetscape. This ordinance was presented by Mackenzie Kaser from the city’s engineering department. The work will include infrastructure replacement and improvements to the south side of Front Street from Broad Boulevard to the Gorge. Sidewalks and underground utilities are amongst some of the things that will be included in the construction that will begin this August and run through the fall of 2025. For businesses and residents all information during the construction process will be available on the city’s website and Dave Bennet will be liaison for business owners and residents for any questions that arise. 

During discussion about the construction period parking in the area was discussed. There will be additional parking in areas for the duration of the construction, but some business owners still have concerns if there will be enough parking after the projects finish. Kaser did not have the exact number of spaces the new parking lot and on-street metered parking would have at the end of the project but will provide that number to council. She did state that in the city parking lot at Front and Sackett there will be four handicapped spots in the lower level and one in the top level. To look at how the bid was awarded and who will be the contractors visit https://www.cityofcf.com/bids/south-front-streetscape. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote on Monday, July 8.

A-60: An ordinance authorizing the director of public  service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the improvements to State Road, Seasons Road and Wyoga Lake Road at The Triangle. City engineer Tony Demasi presented this legislation to the committee, starting with the history of the project that dates back to the traffic study done in 2022 in which amongst many of the deficiencies of the intersections there were also 26 traffic crashes in the period between 2018 and 2020. The plan to align the intersections finished its design phase earlier in the year and the needed properties for the project have been acquired. Amongst changes will be the addition of two traffic signals—one at the intersection of Wyoga Lake Road and Seasons Road and the other at State Road and Seasons Road. Demasi also stated that because of the traffic along all three roads every effort will be made to keep traffic moving in both lanes; however, there will be phases where that won’t be possible. Businesses with heavy truck traffic will be forewarned and if possible, their traffic moved to enter from Route 303.

Work is slated to begin in the next few months and be completed in the fall of 2025. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote on Monday.
