Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.
Finance & Appropriations:
B-1: An ordinance authorizing the mayor, as director of public safety, to enter into a contract or contracts, without competitive bidding, with Flock Group, Inc. for the use and maintenance of Flock cameras for use by the city’s safety forces. Chief Norfolk started the presentation by saying his department uses Flock several times a day as do more and more departments such as Tallmadge and Stow. The cost to the city is $78k per year. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.
Public & Industrial Improvements:
B-2: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, with Osborn Engineering for professional engineering services for the resurfacing of Bailey Road from Front Street to Graham Road. Presented by city engineer Tony Demasi, this project will pave from 2222 Front Street to Graham Road and it’s scheduled to be finished in 2027. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.
B-3: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, with GAI Consultants for professional engineering services for the resurfacing of Munroe Falls Avenue, from Bailey Road to the last corporation limits. According to Demasi, this legislation will start the process of paving Monroe Falls Avenue from Bailey Road to the city limits. This project will start in 2028. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.
Public Affairs:
B-4: An ordinance amending the Traffic Control File. The first part of the legislation will name the streets that fall within the Testa development between Front and Second Street and the second part will make Main Street from Sill Street to Prospect Street two-way. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.
Temp. Ord. B-5: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract or contracts with the Ohio Attorney General Collection Enforcement section for purposes of providing delinquent collection services for the Cuyahoga Falls Mayor’s Court. This legislation, presented by Cathy Bebe will allow the clerk’s office to forward them to the state for collection. Typically the fines are around $100-$200 however DUIs can run up to $4,500 and the state also charges percent. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.
Community Development:
B-6: An ordinance amending Chapter 561.01 Nuisances. Deputy Law Director Matt Dickinson explained this legislation will expand the list of nuisance plants, which now includes any weeds which are spreading or maturing seeds, or about to do so, namely ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, burdock, thistles, leafy spurge, field bindweed, tree of heaven, sumac, bamboo or any other noxious or poisonous weeds or vines and any grass in excess of eight inches in height. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.
Temp. Ord. B-7: An ordinance implementing Sections 3735.65 through 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code, establishing and describing the boundaries of the Merriman Valley Schumacher Community Reinvestment Area in the City of Cuyahoga Falls. Rob Kurtz said this legislation will be used as an implementation step to begin the process of redeveloping both vacant land and commercial as well. The committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council next Monday.