--photo courtesy Stephen Mule'

City Council Minutes Report: December 16, 2024

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

Legislation scheduled for discussion:

A-118: A resolution creating for the year 2025 a sidewalk and drive approach repair or replacement district containing such streets, alleys, or public roadways within the corporate limits of the city of Cuyahoga Falls, declaring the necessity of repairing or replacing the sidewalks and drive approaches abutting on such streets, alleys or public roadways within said corporate limits and providing the method for levying special assessments.

A-119: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for the replacement or adjustment of concrete sidewalks, drive approaches and curbs at various locations in the city of Cuyahoga Falls. This is the ordinance for last year’s program and the rate ends up being $22 per linear foot of sidewalk and $12 per square foot of driveway approaches. This legislation allows the city to collect the funds from the residents who have had sidewalk work done in 2024.

Both of these pieces of legislation are related and were presented by city engineer Tony Demasi. Different this year is the budget increase, to almost $500k. When this was first discussed 2025 was already booked and 2026 was getting there as well. More money was added to the fund in an effort to catch up. Demasi also said they haven’t done leveling in the city in a while but this year it will be used to level up some sidewalks that are not level with the utility boxes contained within the sidewalk. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-120: An ordinance levying special assessments for the repair or replacement of sidewalks and drive approaches in the sidewalk and drive approach repair and replacement district, for the year 2025. This is similar in nature to the previous two pieces of legislation but it allows the city to bill for the work done in 2024. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-121: A resolution requesting the Summit County Fiscal Officer to make advance distribution of tax receipts payable to the city of Cuyahoga Falls. Presented by finance director Bryan Hoffman, this is a housekeeping measure and will allow the city to request advance receipt of tax dollars collected by the county on the city’s behalf. Hoffman went on to say it helps the city maintain a good cash flow and this is a yearly resolution. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-122: An ordinance providing for supplemental and/or amended appropriations of money for current operating expenses and capital expenditures of the city of Cuyahoga Falls, and authorizing the transfer and advances of appropriations within and for the various funds hereinafter set forth. This is also a housekeeping piece of legislation that allows Hoffman to set the year end statement to match changes made at the end of the year for labor contracts and other appropriations. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-123: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts for the purchase of annual requirements for certain services, materials, supplies, and equipment for use by the electrical division during 2025. Presented by Electric Supervisor Rod Troxell, he stated that this legislation will be for all the items passed last week with the budget. This legislation will allow his staff to purchase the items budgeted as they are needed. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-124: An ordinance authorizing the mayor, as director of public safety, to enter into a contract or contracts for the purchase of annual requirements for certain services, materials, supplies, and equipment for use by the fire department during 2025. Chief Martin presented this to the council and like electric services it will allow the fire department to purchase the items approved previously within the city’s budget. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-125: An ordinance amending ordinance 130-2021 to hire six additional firefighters. This will bring the number of firefighter staff from 48 to 54. Chief Martin previously discussed this increase in staffing during the budget, saying it will add an entire Battalion to the department and they would work out of Station #3. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-126: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the purchase of annual requirements of certain services, materials, and supplies for use by the garage division during 2025. As discussed during budget some things have gone up. On of the cost of fuel we are actually paying less right now than we were in 2022. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-127: An ordinance amending Ordinance 129-2023 to hire an additional Sergeant and four additional patrol officers. This will bring the current number of sergeants from 10 to 11 and increase the current number of 57 patrol officers to 61. According to Chief Norfolk this would make a position for a supervisor and four patrolmen. Three of the officers would become a special unit with their own supervisor to handle neighborhood problems and community patrol and the fourth would be added to the new high school. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-128: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the purchase of annual requirements of certain materials and supplies for use by the sanitation division during 2025. Charles Novak presented this on behalf of sanitation and these expenses will mainly be wheelie bins used by our sanitation customers. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-129: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the purchase of annual requirements of certain materials and supplies for use by the street division during 2025. With the last two winters being extremely mild, Novak said there would be a decrease in cost for road salt this year and our asphalt will remain average. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-130: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to execute a modification of Contract No. 8989 with Bishop Bros Supply & Transit. Presented by City Engineer Tony Demasi, this legislation is to pay the vendor for additional work they were able to do for us last season during sidewalk season. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-131: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the purchase of the city’s requirements of certain services, materials and supplies for use by the water and sewer divisions during 2025. This was budgeted for normal maintenance and chemicals used throughout the year. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-132: An ordinance authorizing the mayor, as director of public safety, or the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, for the purchase or lease of various vehicles and related equipment for use by the city. This was presented by garage supervisor John Campbell  and is shown in the attachment Exhibit A below, The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.

A-133: A resolution of the City of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio supporting the Ohio Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (AMERICA 250-OH).  Committee chair Rachel Loza presented this to council. With the country close to having its Semiquincentennial the state is putting together a list of cities that plan on taking part in the celebration. More legislation for all of this is forthcoming and this is just the beginning of the process. The finance committee voted to bring this out for a vote before all of council.
