--photo courtesy Stephen Mule'

City Council Minutes Report: June 12, 2023

City Council News & Politics

Cuyahoga Falls City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Council committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays in order to allow councilmembers to publicly discuss pending legislation that will be voted on at regular meetings. The public is free to comment on pending legislation during the allowed time set aside as part of committee meetings.

New Ordinances & Resolutions

B-57: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, with a company or companies for the maintenance and repair of city diesel electric generators through 2023 and 2024. Assigned to the finance committee.

B-58: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for overhead line clearance services including tree maintenance, tree and brush removal services, and mowing, for a period not to exceed three years. Assigned to the finance committee.

B-59: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for concrete and masonry repairs to the city-owned parking garages located at 2035 Old Town Loop, 2052 Front Street, and 2318 Second Street. Assigned to the public and industrial improvements committee.

B-60: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for the replacement of the flat roof on the Water Treatment Plant chemical building, located at 2228 Munroe Falls Avenue. Assigned to the public and industrial improvements committee.

B-61: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to grant an easement on a city-owned parcel, located at the corner of East Portage Trail and High Street, to Dominion Energy Ohio. Assigned to the public affairs committee.

B-62: A resolution authorizing the mayor to apply for the 2023 Summit County Trail & Greenway Community Grant Program and commit the 50% required match funds to complete a study for the restoration of Mill Pond. Assigned to the community development committee.

Reports of Council’s Standing Committees

Planning & Zoning:

B-48: An ordinance accepting the recommendation of the planning commission for the construction of two self-service storage buildings for Decorus Development, LLC, located at 262 Steels Corners Road. Passed 11-0.

Finance & Appropriations:

B-49: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, without competitive bidding, with CRS Metalworx Inc., for the maintenance and repair of HVAC systems at the Electrical Division and substations. Passed 11-0.

Public & Industrial Improvements:

B-50: An ordinance consenting to the resurfacing of State Route 59 from State Route 8 to the east corporation limit, within the City of Cuyahoga Falls, by the state of Ohio, authorizing financial cooperation thereof. Passed 11-0.

B-52: An ordinance authorizing the director of public service to enter into a contract or contracts, according to law, with CT Consultants, Inc., for professional engineering services for the improvement to South Front Street, from Broad Boulevard to Grant Avenue. Passed 11-0.

Community Development:

B-54: An ordinance approving and authorizing the mayor to execute a Community Development Block Grant Agreement with Hummel Construction Company for ADA compliant renovations to the existing restroom at Quirk Cultural Center. Passed 11-0.

B-55: An ordinance authorizing the execution of a first amendment to grant agreement with the Community Improvement Corporation of Cuyahoga Falls. Passed 11-0.

B-56: An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with OHM Advisors for the preparation of streetscape plans for the Bailey Road/Northmoreland Boulevard and South State Road business corridors. Passed 11-0.

Miscellaneous Business:

Cassandra Clevenger from Power A Clean Future Ohio presented an award recognizing Cuyahoga Falls for their commitment to clean energy and reduction of our carbon footprint. Accepting the award on behalf of the city were Mayor Don Walters and Council-at-Large Mary Nichols-Rhodes, Chair of the Sustainability, Energy & Environment Committee.

A motion was also made to take ordinance B-35 (backyard chickens) off the table and it was voted 11-0 to remove the legislation from the table. From there a vote was taken to return the legislation to the planning and zoning committee where it can undergo further discussion, come out for a vote, or expire in committee after a period of 6 months. That vote also ended up 11-0.

Council committees will meet Monday June 19 at 6:30 pm
